The Near Eastern and Semitic Information Archive (NESSIA) is an educational resource focused on comparative religion, biblical studies, Quranic studies, and Semitic languages, including Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic. It provides materials on the Old Testament, New Testament, Quran, and the cultural and linguistic heritage of the Near East. NESSIA aims to support scholarly research and public understanding of the history, theology, and languages of Semitic and Near Eastern traditions.
Featured Item
Uṣūl al-Ṣahyūniyyah fī al-Dīn al-Yahūdī (An Analytical Study of the Growth of Particularism in Hebrew Scripture)

Examines the origins, development, and impact of particularism in Hebrew scripture, focusing on Israel's unique identity.
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Isma'il al Faruqi
Tribute to almarhum Ismail Raji al Faruqi.
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Al Tawhid: Its Implications for Thought and Life

Explores al-Tawhid, the unity of God, as central to Islamic thought, shaping ethics, society, politics, and human purpose.
Christmas Celebrations in Banda Aceh and Ganjuran, 2024

Christmas celebrations in Indonesia: Banda Aceh Mass on Dec 25, 2024, and Javanese-style procession in Ganjuran on Dec 24, 2024.